Tue 21 Sep 1858
Estimate from Stephen Harrison for building wall near Gas Works. Use of Company’s workmen.
The Wherry, Captain George Clark, belonging to Mr Lane had accidentally injured one of the locks at double locks in passing at night.
Summons against Clark for drawing water at Foundry Locks on 31 August when upper gates were open.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 21^st day of September 1858
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, W^m Fryer, N S Marling, H^y Harris, C Hooper, T C Croome.
M^r Driver attended and produced an estimate from Stephen Harrison for building a wall near the Gas Works as ordered at the last Meeting -- but he reported that he could make the needful alterations with the Company's present workmen and without any extra aid or expense beyond their wages on being allowed to draw the water for one day.
Ordered that M^r Driver act on his report accordingly.
M^r Driver reported that the Wherry Cap^n George Clark belonging to M^r W^m Lane had accidentally injured one of the Locks at the double Locks in passing at night.
Ordered that M^r Lane be informed thereof and asked to require the utmost caution from his men.
Ordered that a pair of new Lock Gates be prepared in case of need.
A correspondence between M^r Partridge & Mess^rs Wethered & C^o on the subject of a reduction of the Tonnage on coals carried from the Midland Railway Station at Stonehouse to Cirencester was read.
Resolved that the Committee see no reason to depart from the former resolution passed at the last Meeting.
Resolved that a Summons be obtained against Clark for drawing the water at the Foundry Locks on 32^st August when the upper Gates were open with a view to his being fined.
Resolved that the next Meeting be held on the 21^st Oct at 2 O'clock & the Half Yearly Meeting on the same day at 3 O'Clock & that M^r Partridge publish the Notices accordingly in the usual way.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
M^r Partridge 1 Quarter's Salary due 29^th Ins't: 30^£..0^s..0^d
Driver 1 Quarter's Salary due 29^th Ins't: 20..0..0
Burbidge 2 Months Salary due 20^th Ins't: 10..0..0
Cooper Auditor Half Year due 29^th Ins't: 7..17..6
E Shipway Smith's Work: 11..19..5
General Assemblies Canal Inspection: 7..17..4
Step^n & W^m Harrison Masonry: 8..16..4
H^y Harrison Masonry: 9..6..2
James Brothers Plaisterers: 8..5..0
Benj^n Brewer Smith's Work: 4..2..0
O Cam Masonry: 3..1..7
T Neate Parchester: 1..0..0
W^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 1..4..1
Stroud Gas Company Gas Tar: 0..5..0
Tho^s Webb Timber: 2..6..0