Minutes Tue 15 Mar 1859

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Tue 15 Mar 1859


Charles Thomas Edwards claimed share no.197, will of Frances Edwards.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of he Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of March 1859
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^r H Harris Chairman, J H Warman, N S Marling, F Eycott, C Hooper, G H A Beard.
M^r Thomas M Croome of Cainscross near Stroud in the County of Gloucester attended on behalf of Charles Thomas Edwards of Upper Clapton in the County of Middlesex Esquire and made out the Claim of the said Charles Thomas Edwards to one share N^o 197 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now Standing in the name of Frances Edwards deceased in the books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation be producing the Probate of the Will of the said Frances Edwards bearing date the 17^th day of August 1853 and proved in the principal Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate on the 25^th day of June 1858 by the said C T Edwards & Richard Till Esq^r the Executors therein named whereby the said Frances Edwards gave unto her Brother the said C T Edwards all that her one Share and interest in the Stroudwater Navigation & be producing the Ticket of Title to the said share and also a Memorandum from the said C T Edwards & Rich^d Till assenting to the Claim of the said Share by the said C T Edwards and the Claim was admitted accordingly & a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
Ordered that the General Half Yearly Meeting be held on the 26^th April next at 3 o'clock & that M^r Partridge gives the usual Notices & that the Meeting of the Committee be held on the same day at 2 O'Clock.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
M^r N A Partridge Quarter's Salary due 25^th Ins't: 30..0..0
N Diver Quarter's Salary due 25^th Ins't: 20..0..0
Bateman & Son Wine: 20..17..8
T Liddiatt Pargerter: 1..4..6
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary due 20^th Ins't: 10..0..0
E Cooper Auditor ½ yr Salary due 25^th Ins't: 7..17..6
J Spire Timber: 0..18..2
Cheques give to M^r J C Hallewell to pay arrears of Ballingers Dividends.

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