Minutes Tue 17 May 1859

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Tue 17 May 1859


Mr Hayes of Gloucester, contractor for the new Sewage Works at Stroud, to be sent rates for various materials to be used in the works.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th of May 1859
Present: M^r F Eycott, M^r H Harris Chairman, G H A Beard, C Hawker, J H Warman.
Letters were read from M^r Joseph Hayes of Gloucester the Contractor for the new Sewage Works at Stroud asking the rates of various materials to be used in the Works.
Ordered that M^r Partridge send him a statement of the present rates as now shown to the Committee.
The following Bills were ordered to be paid:
General Assemblies: 9^£..4^s..2^d
W H Hewlett Plumber's Work: 1..12..0
W Hobbs Smith's Work: 1..1..0
F Nurse Stone: 0..15..0

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