Minutes Tue 19 Jul 1859

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Tue 19 Jul 1859


Samuel Phipps, Elisa Fryer and Joseph Bellamy claimed share no.37, will of William Fryer.
Messrs. Ford’s ‘Queen Esther’ jammed in Framilode Lock, was obstructing the Navigation. Ford’s to remove obstruction and be responsible for consequences of stoppage.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of July 1859
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r C Hooper Chairman, F Eycott, G H A Beard, H Harris, H H Wilton, N S Marling.
M^r Edward Carruthers Little of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended on behalf of Samual Phipps of (?) in the said County Gentleman and Eliza Fryer of Stroud in the said County Widow and Joseph Bellamy of Horsemailing in the Parish of Morton Valence in the said County and made out their Claim as Executors under the will of the late William Fryer of Stroud in the County of Gloucester Attorney at Law to one Share N^o 37 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Will^m Fryer deceased in the books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said W^m Fryer deceased bearing date 17^th day of May 1855 and proved in the District Registry Court of Gloucester with a Codicil thereto on the 23 day of April 1859 and also producing the said Ticket or Title to the said Share and the Claim was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
M^r Driver having reported that Mess^rs Ford Brothers' Steam Vessel "Queen Esther" was obstructing the Navigation be being fastened in the Framilode Lock,
Ordered that M^r Partridge send them a copy of the following letter:
"Mess^rs Ford Brothers
The Surveyor of the Stroudwater Canal having reported to the Committee that the vessel "Queen Esther" has become jammed in the Lock at Framilode and thereby obstructed the Navigation I am requested by the Committee to inform you the they look to you to use every possible means of removing the said obstruction as you are responsible in all respects for the consequences of the Stoppage."
Resolved that the next monthly Meeting be held on the 23^d August on board the Company's Boat at Wallbridge at 9 o'Clock A.M. to proceed thence to survey the Canal.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid viz:
Income Tax: 37^£..4^s..10^d
M^r J Burbidge 2 Months Salary due 20^th: 10..0..0
J Elliot Stationery: 6..11..3

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