Tue 20 Mar 1860
Mr Ford’s proposal that his firm be allowed, in their account of excess of flour carried down over wheat brought up, to count wheat brought down through T&S Canal in same way as wheat brought up Canal from Junction. Proposal not entertained.
Mr Sharp served notice of charge of 2s 6d a day on timber not removed.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of March 1860
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r N S Marling Chairman,
F Eycott, G H A Beard, C Hawker, H H Wilton, H Harris.
M^r Ford attended and proposed that his Firm should be allowed in their account of Excess for Flour carried down the Canal over Wheat brought up, for Wheat down through the Thames and Severn Canal against the general account of Flour exported in the same way as for Wheat brought up the Canal from the Junction.
The proposition was taken into consideration and it was resolved that it could not be entertained.
M^r Driver reported that he had served M^r Sharp with Notice in pursuance of the resolution of the last Meeting and as the Timber had not been removed for six days after, it was ordered that he be charged 2^s/6^d a day for the time it had remained after the expiration of the Notice according to the Bye Law.
Ordered that the General Half Yearly Meeting be held on the 26^th day of April next at One O'Clock and that M^r Partridge give the usual Notices and that the Meeting of the Committee be hele on the same day at 12 O'Clock.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid:
M^r Partridge Quarters Salary due 25^th: 30..0..0
Driver Quarters Salary due 25^th: 20..0..0
J Burbidge 2 Months due 10^th: 10..0..0
E Cooper ½ year due 25^th: 7..17..6
S Dudbridge Gas Lights Dudbridge: 5..0..0
O Cam Masons Work: 24..0..0
J Elliott Carpenters Work: 4..17..10
H Dangerfield Ironmonger: 3..12..7
Rob^t Blick Carpenter: 1..13..0
F L Chew: 0..12..0