Minutes Tue 18 Mar 1862

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Tue 18 Mar 1862


Mr Thomas Hyde, on expressing contrition to the committee for not producing a ticket, paid fine of 10s, reduced from £5, and 13s 6d for expenses.
Mr Driver to make out the tickets for all excess loading downwards from Messrs. Ford’s mill at Ryeford.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th day of March 1862
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r H Harris Chairman, G H A Beard, C Hooper, C Hawker, C H Fisher.
The Agreement with M^r Rich^d Williams was produced signed by him.
M^r Harris reported that a Summons had been taken out against Thomas Hyde for not producing his Ticket pursuant to the Minute of 11^th February last and he had been convicted in a penalty of Five Pounds under the Bye Law. Thomas Hyde attended the Committee and having expressed contrition for his offence and promised it should not be repeated, I was ordered that the fine should be reduced to ten shillings and thirteen shillings and sixpence for expenses which he paid.
Ordered that a Stoppage of the Canal for the purpose of various repairs do take place to commence on Thursday the 1^st May next and to end on Saturday the 10^th May both days inclusive.
Ordered that the General Half Yearly Meeting be held on Thursday the 24^th April next at Two o'Clock and that M^r Partridge give the usual Notices and that the Meeting of the Committee be held on the same day at 12 o'Clock.
Ordered that in future M^r Driver shall make out Tickets for all Vessels loading downwards fom the Mess^rs Fords Mill at Ryeford and that the Clerk inform them thereof.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
N A Partridge Quarters Salary due 25^th Inst: 30..0..0
H Driver Quarters Salary due 25^th Inst: 20..0..0
J Burbidge Quarters Salary due 20^th Inst: 15..0..0
Do for Candles: 1..0..0
E Cooper ½ year due 25^t: 7..17..6
N A Partridge Petty Casn: 2..11..6
Magistrated Clerk Fees at Whitminster on the Summons against Tho^s Hyde: 0..13..6
O Cam Masonry: 5..0..0

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