Tue 20 May 1862
Messrs. Ford required to pay tonnage on 701 tons of coals and wheat sent by them from Ryeford to Dudbridge since 7 May 1860.
Amos Field to be required to correct errors in his tonnage account and pay for unaccounted tonnage.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stoudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of May 1862
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r T M Croome Chairman, C Hawker, H Harris, G H A Beard.
Mess^rs Ford have rendered an account of 701 Tons Coals and Wheat sent by them from Ryeford to Dudbridge since 7^th May 1860 on which they have not paid Tonnage.
Resolved that they be required to pay the same forthwith.
Resolved that M^r Amos Field be required to correct the errors in his Tonnage Account, and to pay up the difference unaccounted for.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
Price & C^o for Timber: 38..18..11
J Andrews Smith's Work: 5..9..0
H Mabbett Carpenter: 2..15..5
D^l Hoskins Smith's Work: 1..15..4
Sam^l Ford Smith's Work: 2..17..2
J H Seend Tar: 2..8..5
H Harris Solicitor: 3..2..6