Minutes Tue 15 Jul 1862

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Tue 15 Jul 1862


Walter John Coney and Douglas William Parish Sabalmondiere claimed shares nos.168,169,170, will of John Jeane Coney.
No reduction on rates of tonnage on iron and timber allowed to Mr G Clark.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of July 1862
Present M^r C Hawker, M^r C Hooper Chairman, J H Warman, C H Fisher, F Eycott, T M Croome, G H A Beard.
M^r N Partridge of Wallbridge Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation attended on behalf of Walter John Coney of Braywick Grove Maidenhead in the County of Berks Esquire and Douglas William Parish Sabalmondiere Esquire and made out the Claim of the said Walter John Coney with the assent of himself and the said D W P Salomondiere as Executors under the Will of John Jeane Coney of Braywick Grove aforesaid deceased to three Shares numbered respectively 168, 169 and 170 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said J J Coney deceased in the books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the Probate of the Will of the said J J Coney deceased bearing date the 3^rd day of July 1858 and proved in the District Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate at Oxford on the 25^th day of April 1862 and also producing the Tickets or Titles of the said Shares and the Claim was admitted accordingly and new Tickets were ordered to be made out.
A letter from M^r G Clark of Bowbridge dated July 14^th applying for a reduction of the rates of Tonnage on Iron and Timber was read and it was Resolved that no further reduction could be made and that the Clerk write him accordingly.
Ordered that the next monthly Meeting of the Committee be held on Tuesday 19^th August on board the Company's Boat at Wallbridge at 9 o'clock AM to proceed thence to survey the Canal.
Bills Ordered to be paid:
M^r J Elliott Stationery: 13..15..0
T Webb Timber: 98..19..0
H Howell Smith's Work: 19,,12,,0
W Gobey Pargester: 5..9..0
S^l Vick Plumber: 1..12..8
G Perry Carpenter: 1..3..9

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