Minutes Tue 19 May 1863

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Tue 19 May 1863


Dorothea Margaret Beale and Edward Thomas Complin claimed share no.159, will of Miles Beale.
Agreement between Canal Company and Railway Company signed by Mr Head and Mr George Ford, provisional directors of the Railway Company, and appropriate clauses were inserted into the Bill going through the Committee of the House of Lords.
Mr George Ford proposed that Company should grant them in perpetuity or long lease, ground adjoining premises at Ryeford occupied by Messrs. S S Marling & Co. as coal wharf, and land from wharf to Ryeford Bridge. They agreed to continue wall to support towing path for 150 feet towards the bridge.
Request to Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co to confer on facilities for checking the tonnage vessels entering and returning along Stroud Canal.
3 dozen Sherry to be ordered from Messrs Wheeler of Gloucester.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of May 1863
Present: M^r C Hawker, M^R H H Wilton Chairman, F Eycott, C H Fisher, G H A Beard, H Harris, J H Warman.
M^r N A Partridge Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation attended on behalf of Dorothea Margaret Beale of 44 Englefield Road West Islington London Widow and Edward Thomas Complin of Charterhouse Square London Surgeon Executrix and Executor under the Will of Miles Beale of 31 Finsbury Square Middlesex Surgeon deceased and made out the Claim of the said D M Beale and E T Complin to the one Share numbered 159 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the anem of the said Miles Beale deceased in the books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Miles Beale deceased bearing date the 15^th day of January 1862 and proved at the Principal Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate on the 14^th day of February 1863 by the said D M Beale and E T Complin and a Declaration by the said D M Beale and E T Complin that the said Title or Ticket was lost or mislaid and the Claim of the said D M Beale and E T Complin was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
M^r Driver reported that if nothing unforeseen should occur no stoppage of the Canal for repairs will be required at Whitsuntide.
M^r Harris reported that the arrangement referred to in the Minute of the Adjourned General Meeting of the 25^th April last had been carried into effect and was embodied in an Agreement which had been prepared between the Companies. That the draft of the Agreement had been submitted by him to the Sub Committee appointed at the adjourned General Meeting and approved by them and two parts of it had been subsequently ingrossed on Stamps and one signed by M^r Flint and M^r George Ford, two of the provisional Directors of the Railway Company, and the Seal of this Company affixed to the other. The Agreement was read to the Committee and ordered to be deposited in the Chest. M^r Harris also reported that the clauses A B C D E and F referred to in the Agreement for the protection of the Canal Company had been introduced into the Bill on its going through Committee in the House of Lords and formed part of it as finally passed.
M^r George Ford attended and represented that his Firm were much inconvenienced by want of room for unloading their Vessels at Ryeford Mills and he proposed with a view to affording them better facilities for so doing that this Company should grant to them either in perpetuity, or on a long lease, or by way of exchaged, the piece of ground adjoining their premises at Ryeford at present occupied by Mess^rs S S Marling & C^o as a Coal Wharf and the small piece of land running from the said Wharf to the Ryeford Bridge. They undertaking to build a proper and sufficient Wall to support the Towing path in continuation of the one already there for 150 feet or thereabouts towards the Bridge.
Ordered that the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Company be requested to instruct their Manager to confer with the Clerk of this Company for the purpose of ascertaining whether any and if any what facilities can be afforded to further the Traffic of Vessels entering and returning along the Stroud Canal either to or from Framilode Sharpness or Gloucester and checking the relative Tonnage thereof.
Ordered that 3 dozen of Sherry be ordered from Mess^rs Wheeler of Gloucester.
Ordered that the following Bill be paid: £ s d
M^r W B Baker for plans of Stonehouse Wharf: 4..4..0

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