Wed 3 Feb 1864
Special Meeting to consider written application from Messrs. Ford adjourned to 16 February.
Following death of Mr Harris, late solicitor to Company, and non-attendance of Thomas Marling 2 further committee members and a solicitor need to be appointed.
At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 3^d day of February 1864 for the purpose of calling a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors to elect a Solicitor to the Company and also to elect two Members of the Committee
Present: M^r F Eycott, M^r C H Fisher Chairman, G H A Beard, J H Warman, T M Croome.
Mess^rs Ford sent in the written application alluded to in the Minutes of the Meeting of January 19^th last, the consideration thereof was adjourned to the Special General Meeting proposed to be called for the 16^th Ins't.
In consequence of the death of M^r Harris late Solicitor to the Company and the vacancy in the Committee occasioned by the non-attendance of M^r Thomas Marling, it was resolved to call a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors for the purpose of electing a Solicitor and also for the election of two fresh members of the Committee. Such Meeting to be called for the 16^th Ins't at one o'clock.