Tue 20 Jun 1865
Petition against Severn Junction Railway Bill has been started.
Tonnage of iron and other goods taken to the gas works to be 1s per ton.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of June 1865
Present: M^r C H Fisher, W W Kearsey Chairman, F Eycott, T M Croome, J H Warman, J T Fisher, G H A Beard.
M^r Kearsey and M^r Warman reported to the Committee what had occurred with reference to the Severn Junction Railway and it appeared a Petition against the Bill had been deposited and the negotiation was still pending.
Ordered that the Tonnage on Iron and other Goods be charge 1^s/ per Ton to the Gas Works.
Resolved that this Meeting be adjourned until Tuesday the 27^th Ins't.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
M^r N A Partridge 1 Quarter's Salary due June 24^th: 30..0..0
E Peyton 1 Quarter's Salary due June 24^th: 20..0..0
M N Peyton 1 Quarter's Salary due June 24^th: 15..0..0
Tho^s Webb Timber: 27..7..0
O Cam Mason: 25..15..10
B Butt Plumber, etc: 1..0..8