Minutes Tue 20 Jun 1865

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Tue 20 Jun 1865


Petition against Severn Junction Railway Bill has been started.
Tonnage of iron and other goods taken to the gas works to be 1s per ton.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of June 1865
Present: M^r C H Fisher, W W Kearsey Chairman, F Eycott, T M Croome, J H Warman, J T Fisher, G H A Beard.
M^r Kearsey and M^r Warman reported to the Committee what had occurred with reference to the Severn Junction Railway and it appeared a Petition against the Bill had been deposited and the negotiation was still pending.
Ordered that the Tonnage on Iron and other Goods be charge 1^s/ per Ton to the Gas Works.
Resolved that this Meeting be adjourned until Tuesday the 27^th Ins't.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
M^r N A Partridge 1 Quarter's Salary due June 24^th: 30..0..0
E Peyton 1 Quarter's Salary due June 24^th: 20..0..0
M N Peyton 1 Quarter's Salary due June 24^th: 15..0..0
Tho^s Webb Timber: 27..7..0
O Cam Mason: 25..15..10
B Butt Plumber, etc: 1..0..8

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