Minutes Tue 24 Oct 1865

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Tue 24 Oct 1865


General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £1792 3s. After wages, etc, £1107 7s 1d profit. Dividend of £5 10s declared.
Salary of surveyor, Mr Peyton, raised from £80 to £99 19s per annum for undertaking extra duties in recording and accepting tonnage at Eastington Dock, as recorded in a minuted letter.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 24^th day of October 1865
M^r Beard in the Chair.
The Minutes of the Committee since the last General Assembly were read approved and confirmed.
The several books and Accounts were produced as directed by Act of Parliament and were examined and passed.
It appears that the sum of 1792^£,,3^s..0^d has been received for Tonnage from the 1^st day of April 1865 to the 1^st day of October 1865 part of which has been applied towards the payment of Wages, Disbursements, etc, there remains in the hands of the Treasurer after paying the last Dividend the sum of 1107^£..7..1
Ordered that a Dividend of 5^£..10^s on each Share be declared payable on the 1^st day of November next free of Income Tax,
Resolved that the Salary of the Surveyor M^r E Peyton be raised from £80 to £999..19..0 per annum from Sep^r last he undertaking to perform the further duties as specified in his proposal of which the following is a copy:
To the Stroudwater Canal Company
This is to certify that I will be answerable for the due return of all the Tickets of all Vessels liable to Tonnage at my house at Eastington Dock and the payment of the Tonnage without delay, or any interference with my other duties as Surveyor for the additional sum of Nineteen Pounds nineteen shillings per annum as proposed by the Committee Sep^r 19^th"
Edward Peyton.

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