Minutes Tue 24 Jul 1866

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Tue 24 Jul 1866


Mr Gorton’s premises at Downfield allowed paper for 2 rooms, door at top of staircase, 12 loads of gravel.
Repair of G Nurse’s stable at Dudbridge, and a small vault made for drainage of stable.
Hilly Orchard Bridge erected in June, inspected and approved.
Flooding of towing path on eastern side of Ryeford Mills. Brook kept higher than formerly. Messrs. Ford must lower boards on their weirs or raise and make good by piles the towing path, at their expense.
Mr Harrison to report on sufficiency of retaining wall of liebye at Stonehouse. Gates and posts erected by Railway Company on road leading to wharf to be removed.
Permission granted to Messrs. Jas Apperley and Co. to take water from canal at drawbridge near Ebley Mills for watering roads at Ebley and Cainscross. Payment of 1s annually.
Mr C Griffin, Superintendent of Gloucester Police complained of pigs, dogs, etc, being thrown into River Frome near where it passes into canal at Whitminster.
£200 to be paid to Mr J H Warman for expenses incurred on opposition to Thames & Severn Navigation Railway Bill.
Mr Peyton, the Surveyor, allowed to remove fencing to pen near dock at Eastington and erect a fence to enclose yard, remove privy outside yard and to alter shed to sawpit with opening on opposite side.
Mrs Critchley to quit house near Bristol Road lock occupied as a beer house.
Mr Peyton allowed salary increase of £10 and piece of garden ground, tenant Mr Williams, to keep a pony.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Tuesday the 24^th day of July 1866
Present: M^r J H Warman, W W Kearsey Chairman, T M Croome, S Phipps, T Marling, G H A Beard, F S Thornton, C Hooper, H H Wilton.
The Committee ordered paper to be found for two rooms, a door put at the top of the staircase, and 12 loads of gravel for the premises at Downfield occupied by M^r Gorton - the paper to be hung and the gravel laid by M^r Gorton.
The floor of G Nurse's stable at Dudbridge was ordered to be repaired, and a small vault made for the drainage of the stable.
The Hilly Orchard Bridge erected in the month of June last was inspected and fully approved.
The attention of the Committee was called to the flooding of the Towing path on the Eastern side of the Ryeford Mills caused by the water in the brook being kept higher than the case formerly.
Resolved the Clerk inform Mess^rs Ford, the owners and occupiers of those Mills, that they must either lower the boards on their Weirs so as to prevent the cause of complaint, or, raise and make good the piles the Towing path at their expense, and to the satisfaction of the Company's Surveyor.
The Sub-Committee having charge of the matters relating to the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Bridge made a report to the Committee.
A report from M^r Harrison, and also a correspondence between the Solicitor of this Company and M^r Smith the Solicitor of the Railway Company was read. And it was resolved that the former inform the latter that this Company will take its stand upon the report of M^r Harrison (the effect of which has been communicated to the Railway Company) and upon the letter of their Solicitor to M^r Smith on the 7^th July Instant.
The Report of M^r Harrison with reference to the LieBye at Stonehouse was also read. And it was resolved that M^r Harrison be requested to complete his report as to the sufficiency of the retaining Wall, after inspecting the same when the water is out, and also to meet M^r Bruce the Engineer of the Railway Company to arrange the setting out of this Company's land, the entrance to the Wharf, and any other engineering matter in connection with the Agreement.
It was observed by this Committee in their Inspection, that the Railway Company had contracted the road leading towards the Wharf by erecting gates and posts, which the Committee consider should be removed.
An application having been made by Mess^rs Ja^s Apperly & C^o for permission to take water from the Canal at the Drawbridge near Ebley Mills fo watering the roads at Ebley & Cainscross,
Resolved that such permission be granted on the payment of 1^s/ annually as an acknowledgement, so long as the permission should be extended - that the taking in only during permission, and that the Clerk be requested to inform Mess^rs Apperly & C^o of this permission.
A letter from M^r C Griffin, Superintendent of the Gloucester Police complaining of pigs, dogs, etc being thrown into the river Frome, near where it passes under the Canal at Whitminster, was read and the Committee, although it has no legal liability upon the Company, gave instructions to their Surveyor to see to the Matter.
Ordered that £200 be paid to M^R J H Warman towards the expenses incurred in the two Houses of Parliament by the opposition to the Thames & Severn Navigation Railway Bill.
Application was made by M^r Peyton the Surveyor for leave to remove the fencing to the Pen near the Dock at Eastington and erect a fence to enclose the yard there past the Dock, also to remove the privy outside the yard to a place pointed out, and to alter the Shed to the Saw pit by having the opening on the opposite side to that where it now is. Order made accordingly.
The Solicitor was instructed to give notice to M^rs Critchley to quit the House near the Bristol Road Lock, occupied by her as a Beer house, as the Committee think it undesirable that it should be used for that purpose.
Application was made by M^r Peyton the Surveyor for an increase of his Salary of £10 per annum, and the occupation of the piece of Garden ground near his house in the tenancy of M^r R^d Williams to enable him to better fulfil his duties by keeping a pony.
Resolved that the application be granted and that the increase of Salary take place from the 24^th day of June last, and that he shall have the use of the land so soon as the tenancy can be determined.
The Solicitor was desired to give M^r Williams notice to quit the land accordingly.

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