Minutes Thu 25 Apr 1867

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Thu 25 Apr 1867


General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1866 £1780 11s 6d. After wages, etc, £1288 5s 9d profit. Dividend of £6 declared.
Mr Peyton the surveyor to be allowed an extra £11 a year for the keeping of a horse.
Correspondence between Mr Kearsey and Mr Allport re toll charges by Midland Railway Company on Stroud and Nailsworth Railway Company between liebye at Stonehouse & Nailsworth. Mr Kearsey to take necessary legal steps to procure reduction of rates.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday the 25^th day of April 1867
M^r W W Kearsey in the Chair.
The Minutes of the Committee since the last General Assembly were read approved and confirmed.
The several books and Accounts were produced as directed by Act of Parliament and were examined and approved.
It appears that the sum of 1780..11..6 has been received for Tonnage from the 1^st day of October 1866 to the 1^st day of April 1867 part of which has been applied towards the payment of Wages, Disbursements, etc, there remains in the hands of the Treasurer after paying the last Dividend the sum of £1288..5..9
Ordered that a Divident of Six pounds on each Share be declared payable on the 1^st day of May next free of Income Tax.
Resolved that M^r Peyton the Surveyor be paid a further sum of £11 per Annum as an additional allowance for keeping a horse -- Such allowance to commence from the 25^th March last.
Further correspondence between M^r Kearsey & M^r Allport with reference to the toll charges by the Midland Railway Company on the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway between the Lie Bye at Stonehouse & Nailsworth and intermediate places, wa read; and it was resolved, that unless the Railway Company should reduce their rates in accordance with M^r Lloyd's Opinion, M^r Kearsey is instructed to take the necessary legal steps to endeavour to procure the reduction.
Resolved that the following Gentlemen shall form the Committee for the ensuing year Mess^rs Hooper Hawker Kearse Croome Thornton Phipps C H Fisher J T Fisher Beard Hallewell T Marling & Wilton.

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