Minutes Wed 10 Jan 1810

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Wed 10 Jan 1810


Double Lock is much out of repair, which will require it to be partly taken down. Ordered that the same be set about as soon as the Severn will allow. Clerk to procure thirty thousand of brick of Richard Franklin at the Ryeford.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Wednesday the 10^th January 1810
Present: Sir Samuel Wathen, Will^m Stanton, Henry Eycott, Tho^s Holbrow, Rowles Scudamore.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Our Clerk reported that the Double Lock is much out of repair which require to be partly taken down. Ordered that the same be set about as soon as the Season will admitt of and that our Clerk do procure Thirty Thousand of Brick of Rich^d Franklin at the Ryeford for that purpose.
Adjourned this Meeting to Wednesday the Twenty first day of February next at 2 o Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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