Minutes Mon 25 Mar 1811

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Mon 25 Mar 1811


Special Meeting. Some observations signed by William Hallett Esq, Chairman of the Committee of the Wilts & Berks Canal Company dated 13 March, were produced in which the advantages likely to result from a canal projected from Latton on the Thames & Severn Canal to Swindon situated on the line of the Wilts & Berks Canal to the interest of the Stroudwater Navigation Company are pointed out and our company are invited to present a petition to the Honourable the House of Commons in favour of the same. As the interests of the Stroudwater navigation Company are likely to be advanced by the formation of the projected canal a petition is to be prepared, signed by the chairman with the company seal attached.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 25^th Mch 1811
Present: Sir Sam^l Wathen, Rowles Scudamore, James Tyers, Will^m Stanton, Joseph Grazebrook, Nath^l Jones, Nath^l Wathen.
Some Observations signed by Will^m Mallett Esq^r Chairman of the Committee of the Wilts & Berks Canal Company dated 13^th of March Instant, were produced, and read, in which the advantages likely to result from a Canal projected from Latton on the Thames & Severn Canal to Swindon situated on the line of the Wilts and Berks Canal to the interest of the Stroudwater Navigation Company are pointed out, and our Company are invited to present a Petition to the Honorable the House of Commons in favor of the same. Resolved that it appears to this Committee that the Interests of the Stroudwater Navigation are likely to be advanced by the formation of the projected Canal and that a Petition be accordingly prepared and signed by the Chairman of this Committee to which he is authorised to affix the Seal of the Company and sign on their behalf and that he be requested to communicate this Resolution to M^r Crowther Solicitor to the Wilts and Berks Canal Company.

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