Tue 11 Jun 1811
Annual inspection on the Company’s Barge.
Mary Hannage and Catherine Williams claimed shares nos.9,10, will of Martha Petttat.
Room be made over the brew-house at Robert Harper’s house on the wharf at Dudbridge.
A road to be made from the turnpike near Mr Clutterbuck’s house at Dudbridge to the premises occupied by Mr Thomas Grazebrook, in consideration which Thomas Grazebrook agrees to release his present Right of Way from the bridge at Dudbridge through the wharf to his dwelling house.
The bridge over the canal at Ryeford be repaired and a fence to be put up from the bridge to the entrance of the wharf house.
Facing of Court Orchard Lock be repaired. Also that of Saul Bridge.
Warehouse at Framilode be let at the best price that can be got.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on Board the Companys Barge on Tuesday the 11^th of June 1811
Present: Sir Sam^l Wathen, Will^m Stanton, James Tyers, Tho^s Holbrow, Henry Burgh, Nath^l Jones, Jos^h Grazebrook, Tho^s Carruthers, Henry Eycott.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Joseph Grazebrook attended on behalf of Mary Hannage (Wife of H^n Henry Hannage Es1^r) and Catherine Williams (Wife of General Henry Williams) nieces of the late Martha Pettat of Ebley deceased, and made out their joint claims to two Shares N^o 9 and 10 in the Stroudwater Navigation late the Property of the said Martha Pettat & Mary Hannage, and produced an administration of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Martha Pettat deceased (who died Intestate) granted by the Perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury unto the said Mary Hannage & Catherine Williams and bearing date the first day of February 1810 whereby the said Mary Hannage & Catherine Williams are become entitled to the said two Shares and their Claims is hereby admitted. Ordered that a Room be made over the Brewhouse at Robert Harpers House at the Wharf at Dudbridge.
Ordered that a Road be made from the Turnpike road near M^r Clutterbucks House at Dudbridge to the premises occupied by M^r Tho^s Grazebrook for the use of him, hi Heirs and Assigns at all times and Seasons, in Consideration whereof the said Thomas Grazebrook agrees to release his present Right of Way from the Bridge at Dudbridge through the Wharf at the same place to his said Dwelling house and Premises.
Ordered that the Bridge over the Canal at the Ryeford be repaired, and a fence to be put up from the Bridge to the entrance of the Wharf House.
Ordered that the facing of the Court Orchard Lock be repaired. Also that of Sauls Bridge.
Ordered that the Wharehouse at Framiload be let at the best price that can be got.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 1^st of July next at 5 o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee Room at Walbridge.