Tue 13 Aug 1811
All traders are to settle their tonnage every voyage, and vessels are to be detained till such payment is made.
Joseph Yates, Master of Francis Lee's vessel, having defrauded the Company of the tonnage of two tons of iron taken on board his vessel on 7 August, is to be stopped the next time he visits the canal.
Three casks of souers? having been taken on board the vessel of Messrs Heane & Newman at Framilode on 18 July and having paid tonnage for half a ton only, our clerk is to enquire and obtain the amount of the whole tonnage.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 13^th August 1811
Present: James Tyers, Alex^r Townsend, Jos^h Grazebrook, Nath^l Jones, Henry Eycott, Tho^s Carruthers, Tho^s Holbrow.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the orders of the last Meeting.
Ordered that all Traders shall settle their Tonnage every Voyage, and that the Vessels respectively be detained till such payment be made.
Joseph Yates Master of Fran^s Lees Vessel having defrauded the Company of the Tonnage of two Tons of Iron taken on board his Vessel the 7^th of Aug^t Ins^t,
Ordered that next time he brings his Vessel into the Canal he be stopped till the fine imposed by Act of Parliament be paid and also the extra Tonnage.
Three Casks of Souers having been taken on board the Vessel of Mess^r Hearns and Newman at Framiload the 18^th July last and having paid the Tonnage for hald a Ton only,
Ordered that our Clerk do make enquiry respecting the same, and obtain the amount of the whole Tonnage of the said three Casks.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the seventh of Octo^r net at two o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.