Minutes Thu 9 Jan 1812

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Thu 9 Jan 1812


Owner Thomas Moody, having neglected to pay his note of hand, he is to be proceeded against immediately, Mr Wathen to be given instructions for the same.
Thomas Beard having called on John Carefield ascertained that he delivered six tons of hay to owner William Yates on the 15 November, whereas the quantity entered was four tons. Yates to be fined for the offence.
The gates at Wallbridge Wharf be locked at 8 o’clock from the 1 November until 25 March in every year, and that a doorway be made through the wall to enter the Committee Gardens.
It being reported that the barges of Messrs Heane & Newman are in the habit of evading the tonnage fees a letter is to be written to them on that subject desiring them to explain at our next meeting why they should not be fined.
A letter having been received from Mr Harry Hanford, agent to the Thames & Severn Canal Company, respecting a Horse Towing Path. The letter being addressed to Mr Grazebrook, he is to answer that the letter will be laid before the next General Meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Thursday the ninth of January 1812
Present: Sir Sam^l Wathen, Tho^s Holbrow, Jn^o Holbrow, Ja^S Tyers, W^m Stanton, Henry Eycott, Tho^s Carruthers, Jos^h Grazebrook, Nath^l Jones.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the Orders of the last Meeting.
Owner Tho^s Moody having neglected to pay his Note of hand agreeable to the notice of our Clerk, Ordered that he be proceeded against immediatly and that M^r Wathen have instructions for the same.
Thomas Beard having called on J^no Carefield agreeably to the order of our last Meeeting and ascertained that he delivered six Tons of Hay to Owner W^m Yates on the 15^th Nov^r last, Whereas the quantity entered was four Tons only. Ordered that the Owner Yates be fined for the overplus and that our Clerk do recover the same according to Act of Parliament, Ordered that the Gates at Walbridge Wharf be in future locked up at 8 o'Clock from the first day of November untill the twenty fifth day of March in every Year. And that a clade Doorway be made thro' the Wall to enter into the Committee Garden.
It having been reported that the Barges of Mess^rs Heans and Newman are in the habit of evading the Tonnage dues, Ordered that a Letter be written to them on that subject and that they be desired to explain at our next Meeting why they should not be fined for the same. ~~~ A Letter having been received from M^r Henry Hanford Agent to the Thames & Severn Canal Company respecting a Horse towing path, and the Letter being addressed to M^r Grazebrook he has kindly undertaken to answer that the Letter shall be laid before the next General Meeting.
Adjourned this Meeting to Tuesday the 18^th of February next at two o'Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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