Minutes Thu 4 Jun 1812

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Thu 4 Jun 1812


Annual inspection on board Company Barge.
Ordered that 20,000 Shropshire brick be procured immediately and the Court Orchard Lock be repaired. Also the Bristol Road Lock be repaired as soon as the brick is purchased.
Joseph Grazebrook produced a deed by which it appears that a right of road was granted by deed to the late Benjamin Grazebrook deceased, it appears there was due consideration of the right to a road for the order made on that on 11 June 1811.
Heane & Newman to pay the sum of 5s for the expense incurred in consequence of a vessel sunk in the Bristol Road level by their neglect.
Richard Miller of Brimscombe fined £4 8s for having defrauded the Company of the tonnage of goods amounting to 2 tons 4 cwt, landed at Stonehouse Farm for Messrs Davies, Beard & Davies and at Dudbridge 21 Jan 1812. Richard Miller entered and paid for only 1 ton, defrauding the Company of the tonnage of 2 tons 4 cwt. Mr Hains to apply to Miller for the penalty.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on Board the Companys Barge on Thursday the 4^th of June 1812
Present: James Tyers, Jn^o Morgan, Henry Eycott, Nath^l; James, Will^m Stanton, Rowles Scudamore, Jn^o Snowden, Tho^s Holbrow.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Ordered that Twenty Thousand of Shropshire Bricks be procured immediately, and the Court Orchard Lock be repaired at a proper season. Also that the Bristol road Lock be repaired as soon as the Brick is purchased.
Joseph Grazebrook Esq^r produced a Deed by which it appears that a right of Road was granted by Deed dated to the late Benj^n Grazebrook deceased, the Grant of road is in these Words "a liberty and authority for the said Benj^n Grazebrook his Heirs and Assigns, Servants, Agents and Workmen, with Horses, Waggons, Carts and other Carriages, at all times and Seasons to enter the great Gate made or intended to be made at the entrance of the said Wharf facing the Turnpike road leading from Cainscross to Dudbridge aforesaid, and there to pass and repass to go to and from and through the said Wharf belonging to the said Company of Proprietors, to the Dwelling House and Premises of the said Benj^n Grazebroook, some time since erected and build by him on part of the lands and premises hereby (?) ratified and confirmed or intended to be ratified or confirmed. He the said Benj^n Grazebrook finding a Key to lock the Gate correspondent with that of the Company of Proprietors, wherewith he shall at all reasonable times on his part and behalf keep the same locked so that the said Company shall sustain no damage by his willful default or neglect."
By the Deed above recited which was not produced by M^r Grazebrook when the order of May 9^th 1812 was made, it appears that there was a consideration for the Order made on that day.
Ordered that Hearne and Newman do pay the sum of Five Shillings for the expence incurred in consequence of a Vessel sunk in the Bristol road level for their neglect.
Ordered that Richard Miller of Brimscombe be fined the Sum of 4^£..8^s for having defrauded the Company of the Tonnage of Goods amounting to Two Tons four Hundred, Viz: 21 Bags of Dye Wares one Ton landed at Stonehouse Farm for Mess^rs Davies, Beard & Davies, Master Rich^d Collins 12^st Jan^y 1812, 8 Bags of Oatmeal One Ton, 10 Bags of Dye Wares, ten Hundred, 38 Bars of Iron, ten Hundred, 2 Bales of Bacon, four Hundred landed at Dudbridge 21^st Jan^y 1812, Rich^d Miller entered and paid for only one Ton, thereby defrauding the Company of the Tonnage of Two Tons four Hundred for which Offence he is fined the above sum. Ordered that M^r Hains do immediately apply to R Miller for the above penalty.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the 11^th Instant at 5 o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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