Thu 11 Jun 1812
Mr Miller explained why he had neglected to pay the tonnage and the order was remitted on the payment of the outstanding tonnage.
Mr Cambridge given permission to put in an additional trunk under the canal at Walk Bridge at his own expense, provided he will undertake to do it in a proper and substantial manner and at a time when the navigation is stopped for other purposes and also that Mr Cambridge will undertake to keep it in good repair.
Wages of William Beard and Ambrose Beard be advanced 2s per week each.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Thursday the 11^th of June 1812
Present: Jos^h Grazebrook, W^m Stanton, John Snowden, Tho^s Holbrow, Henry Eycott.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Miller having explained the circumstances which occasioned his omitting to pay the Tonnage on the Goods for which he was find the Sum of £4..8^s..-, Ordered that the Penalty be remitted, on M^r Miller paying the Tonnage. ~~~ M^r Cambridge having applied for leave to put in an additional trunk under the Canal at the Walk Bridge at his own expence,
Ordered that permission be given him provided he will undertake to do it in a proper and substantial manner, and at a time when the Navigation is stopped for other purposes, and also that M^r Cambridge will undertake to keep the trunk in repair.
Ordered that the Wages of W^m Beard and Ambrose Beard be advanced 2^s/ per Week each.
Adjourned this Meeting to Tuesday the 14^th July next at five o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.