Minutes Tue 24 Nov 1812

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Tue 24 Nov 1812


For the more convenient dispatch of business the committee have resolved that on entrance of the fifth member thereof at the respective meetings such fifth gentleman shall take the chair and proceed forthwith to business.
Mr Peter Smith wish to purchase part of the land adjoining the wharf (at Wallbridge) to be considered at the next meeting.
Stone laying on Dudbridge wharf to be brought to the wharf at Wallbridge for the purpose of building a boundary wall.
Avertisement to the proprietors of coal works to be inserted twice in the Gloucester, Birmingham and such other papers that shall be found necessary.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigtaion held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 24^th Nov^r 1812
Present: James Tyers, Tho^s Carruthers, W^m Stanton, Nath^l Jones, Jn^o Snowden, Jn^o Holbrow, Henry Eycott.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
It is ordered that for the more convenient dispatch of business, the Committee have resolved that on the entrance of the fifth Member thereof, at the respective Meeting such fifth Gentleman shall take the Chair and proceed forthwith to business. ~~~ A Letter having been received from M^r Peter Smith under the dayt the 24^th Instant expressing a wish to purchase part of the Land adjoining the Wharf, Ordered that the same be taken in to Consideration at the next Meeting.
Ordered that the Stone laying on Dudbridge Wharf be brought to the Wharf at Walbridge as convenience may occur for the purpose of building a Boundary Wall.
An Advertisement is ordered to be inserted to the Proprietors of Coal works twice in the Gloucester, Birmingham & such other papers that shall be found necessary.
Adjourned this Meeting to Tuesday the fifth day of January next at one o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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