Minutes Mon 12 Apr 1813

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Mon 12 Apr 1813


Bargemasters trading to the westward of Framilode bringing their boats into the canal shall pay for every such boat 1s 8d from the 1 April to 1 November, and shall pass free of any charge during the winter half year.
Thomas Beard having reported that various vessels still continue to navigate on the canal without the owners or steersman’s names being thereon, every such owner or steersman so offending shall be fined £5.
The wharfingers at Wallbridge and Dudbridge shall once in every week send onto our clerk an account of sales made during said week that our clerk shall register such sales in the waste(?) book.
Thomas Beard, the lockkeeper at Framilode, to be allowed such writing paper as may be necessary for the company's use.
The wages of Thomas Lewis be advanced to 21s per week during the Summer half year and continued so at present for the Winter.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 12^th of April 1813
Present: John Holbrow, W^m Stanton, James Tyers, Rowles Scudamore, Henry Eycott, Alex^r Townsend, Tho^s Carruthers, Jn^o Morgan, Jn^o Snowden.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
It is ordered that in future all Bargemasters trading to the Westward of Framiload bringing their Boats into the Canal shall pay for every such Boat 1^s/8^d from the 1^st day of April to the first day of November and that all Boats so trading to the Westward shall pass free of any charge during the Winter half year.
Tho^s Beard having reported that various Vessels still continue to navigate on the Canal without the Owner or Steersmans names being thereon, it is ordered that every such Owner of Steersman so offending shall be fined £5 agreeable to Act of Parliament. ~~~ Ordered that the Wharfingers at Walbridge and Dudbridge shall once in every week render to our Clerk an Account of Sales made during said Week that our Clerk shall register as such & also in the Waste a Book. ~~~ Ordered that Tho^s Beard the Lockkeeper at Framiload shall be allowed such writing Paper as may be necessary for the Company uses Ordered that from this time the wages of Tho^s Lewis be advanced to 2^s/ per week during the Summer half of year and Continued as at present for the Winter.
Ordered that a Bill be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of Six Hundred thirty three pounds four Shillings and one penny for expences already incurred for the use of the Navigation.

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