Minutes Mon 11 Oct 1813

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Mon 11 Oct 1813


Chairman requested to write a letter to Edward Browning about his continuing possession of the house belonging to the Company at Dudbridge and threaten to proceed against him for the same.
The swivel bridge at Lodgemore to be balanced and put in proper repair and that the locks be cleared of any weeds growing in them.
The feeder of the upper locks near Eastington adjoining the public road to be repaired and covered.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 11^th Octo^r 1813
Present: P H Fisher, Alex^r Townsend, Ja^s Tyers, Jn^o Morgan, W^m Stanton, Tho^s Carruthers, Hen^y Eycott, Jn^o Holbrow, John Snowden, Nath^ls Jones, Rowles Scudamore.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Ordered that the Chairman be requested to write a Letter to Ew^d Browning on the subject of his still continuing pssession of the House belonging to the Company at Dudbridge and threaten a Process against him for the same.
Resolved that the Swivel Bridge at Lodgemore be Balanced and put in proper repair, and that the Locks be cleared of any Weeds growing in them.
Ordered that the Feeder at the upper Locks near Eastington and which adjoining the Public Road which leads from thence to Stonehouse (having been complained of as a nuisance) be repaired and covered over in the best manner.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 25^th Ins^t at ten o'Clock in the forenoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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