Minutes Mon 24 Jan 1814

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Mon 24 Jan 1814


William Bowyer claimed share no.172, will of Mr Bowyer.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 24^th Jan^y 1814
Present: Tho^s Holbrow, Tho^s Carruthers, Jn^o Morgan, W^m Stanton, Henry Eycott. P H Fisher, Jn^o Holbrow, Jn^o Snowden.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting..
M^r Geo Wathen attended on behald of Will^m Bowyer (??) and Executors of the late W^m Bowyer of Minchinhampton in the County of Glouceter Gent^n deceased and made out the Claim of he said William Bowyer to one Share N^o 173 in the Stroudwater Navigation the property of the said W^m Bowyer by producing a Copy of the Probate of the Will bearing Date 17^th Jan^y 1801 and duly proved in the Perogative Court of the Bishop of Gloucester the 19^th of Oct^r 1812 whereby it appears that the said William Bowyer is the sole Executor and the Claim is hereby admitted.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 31^st of January next at twelve o'Clock in the forenoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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