Minutes Mon 9 May 1814

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Mon 9 May 1814


Mr Stanton and Mr Eycott thought that it was advisable to build a new house for the lock keeper at Framilode.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 9^th of May 1814
Present: Henry Eycott, Will^m Stanton, Nath^l Jones, Jn^o Snowden, Jn^o Holbrow.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Stnaton and M^r Eycott having at the request of the Committee examined the House of the Lockkeeper at Framiload, stated their opinion to the Committee, who thought it advisable to build a new House. Ordered that a House be built in the most convenient place that can be fixed upon, for the Lockkeepr at Framiload.
Adjourned this Meeting to Thursday the nineteenth June at 9 o'Clock in the forenoon on board the Company barge at Walbridge.

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