Minutes Fri 10 Jun 1814

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Fri 10 Jun 1814


William Purcell appointed lockkeeper at Framilode.
Edward Hains, clerk, suspended, he having received and fraudulently embezzled Company money.
Letter sent to all proprietors about a special general meeting 21 June.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Fryday the 10^th of June 1814
Present: Tho Holbrow, Jn^o Holbrow, Richard Miller, P H Fisher, Jn^o Snowden, Nath^l Jones, Henry Eycott.
Read the Minutes of the last meeting.
Resolved, that William Purcel be appointed lockkeeper in the room of Thomas Beard who is discharged for fraudently secreting money he had received for tonnage.
Resolved, that Edward Hains be suspended from his situation as Clerk, he having received, and fraudently embezzeled money the property of the company.
Resolved, that a circular letter be addressed to each of the proprietors on the subject of the above resolutions, appointing a special general meeting at the George Inn Stroud on Tuesday the Twenty-first instant, at twelve o'clock, and that an advertisement be inserted in the papers to that effect.
Adjourned this Meeting to Saturday afternoon the 11^th of June 1814 at 4 o'clock at the Committee Room at Walbridge.

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