Minutes Tue 26 Jul 1814

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Tue 26 Jul 1814


Proper oak posts to be placed, where necessary, at the locks on the canal.
Upper aqueduct at or near Mr Clissold’s Mill be examined and repaired.
Double Lock gates to be repaired.
Gates at all locks to be cleaned.
Farmer Daniels to top the willows hanging over the canal at Ebley.
Boards of orders and penalties regulating navigations to be repainted.
Pieces of land on the south west side at Framilode to be let.
Mr Thomas Grazebrook to quit the piece of ground on the Wharf at Dudbridge.
Resolution of 5 signatures of committee members being needed on cheques drawn on the Treasurers Coal account to be rescinded.
The Clerk to give Mr Thomas Critchley £10 reward for information about frauds committed by several members of the Company.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 26^th Day of July 1814
Present: P H Fisher, Henry Eycott, Nath^l Jones, Tho Carruthers, John Snowden, W^m Stanton, Rich^d Miller.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Resolved that proper Oak posts commonly call'd Oldlken be placed where necessary at the Locks on the Canal.
Order'd that the upper aqueduct at or near M^r Clissolds Mill be examined and repaired.
Order'd that the double Lock Gates be repaired.
Order'd that the Gates on all the Locks be cleaned and Tarred.
Order'd that notice be given to Farmer Davids to top the Willows that hand over the Canal from his Land at Ebley.
Order'd that the orders & penalties for regulating the navigation of the Canal be repainted on the boards affixed up for that purpose.
Ordered that the piece of Land on the South west side of the Canal at Framiload be let in lots or otherwise.
Ordered that M^r Thomas Grazebrook have notice given him to quit the piece of ground on the wharf at Dudbridge.
Ordered that the resolution requiring the signature of five members of the Commttee to Cheques on the Treasurers of the Coal Account be rescinded, and that the Treasurere be informed thereof.
Ordered that our Clerk do give Tho^s Critchley the Sum of ten pounds as a reward for the information he gave respecting frauds committed by several Servants of the Comp^y.
Adjourn'd this meeting to 16^th Aug^t at 1 O'Clock PM.

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