Minutes Mon 10 Oct 1814

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Mon 10 Oct 1814


A proper person is to be appointed to value the lands and buildings belonging to the company. An account of Materials, Tools, Timber, Stone, Bricks, Boats, Punts to be taken with the valuation and reported to the committee every quarter.
Mr Hawker to be allowed his salary from the last Half Yearly General Meeting as remuneration for the extraordinary and additional labour employed by him on the books and accounts of the Canal Company in consequence of the confused state in which they were left by the late clerk Mr Hains.
The thanks of the Committee and 15 Guineas to be given to Mr Denyer for his trouble and assistance in arranging the Books and accounts of the Company on their late clerk’s dismissal.
Mr Upton, the engineer, to be paid 3 Guineas for his time and trouble.

Verbatim text

At a meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge On Monday the 10^th day of October 1814
Present: Thomas Holbrow, Rowles Scudamore, P H Fisher, Jn^o Morgan, R Miller, Jn^o Snowden, T Carruthers.
Read the minutes of the last meeting.
Order'd that a proper person be appointed to value the Lands & Buildings belonging to the Comp^y.
Ordered that an account of the Materials, Tools, Timber, Stone & Bricks, Boats puts, etc, etc, be taken together with the valuation thereof and rendered every quarter to the Committee.
Resolved that M^r Hawker by allow'd his Salary from the last half Yearly General Meeting as a remuneration for the extraordinary and additional labor employed by him on the Books and accounts of the Canal Company in consequence of the confused state in which they were left by the late Clerk M^r Hains.
Order'd that the thanks of the Committee with 15 Guineas be given to M^r Denier for his trouble and assistance in arranging the Books and accounts of the Company on their late Clerks dimissal.
Order'd that M^r Upton the Engineer be paid three Guineas for his charge of time trouble and attendance in pursuance of a former order of the Committee.

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