Minutes Tue 11 Oct 1814

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Tue 11 Oct 1814


Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £2241 4s 9d. Balance after wages, etc, £1685 17s 3d. Dividend of £8 declared.
Proposed alteration on drawback of coal at Buscot rather than at Radcot denied.
Tonnage on slate to be raised to former sum of 1s.
Tonnage on corn be raised to the full tonnage.
Thanks to Mr Miller for his great attention to concerns of the Company and for the valuable information he has given this committee.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the proprietors of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the George Inn Stroud on Tuesday the 11^th day of October 1814
John Snowden Esq^r in the Chair.
The minutes of the last General Meeting were read & confirmed.
The Several Books and accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the company so directed by the Act of Parliament, examined and confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the sum of £2241..4..9 has been received for Tonnage, etc, etc, form the 12^th day of April last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of wages, disburstments, etc, and that there remains in the Treasurers hands after paying the last dividend & the sum of £133..8..0 for property Tax, the sum of £1685..17..3.
Ordered that a dividend of £8..0..0 on each Share be paid by the Treasurer on the first day of November next and that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to all the proprietors to inform them that they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
A proposition having been submitted on the part of M^r Walters to alter the resolution passed at the last General Meeting allowing a drawback of Coals passing to or below Radcot & to allow the drawback to commence at Buscot,
Order'd that no alteration be made in the former resolution.
Order'd that the tonnage on Slate be raised to the former sum of One Shilling.
Order'd that the Tonnage on Corn be raised to its full Tonnage.
That the thanks of this meeting be presented to M^r Miller for his great attention to the concerns of the Comp^y and for the valuable information he has given the Committee.

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