Minutes Tue 3 Jan 1815

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Tue 3 Jan 1815


Mr Payne proposed part of land adjoining the wharf at Dudbridge be enclosed with a wall and secure gates for the purpose of depositing Coal, Goods, Wares and Merchandise. This was acceded with Mr Payne doing this at his own expense and not allowing him to underlet. Mr Payne agreed to pay £1 per annum for 14 years.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 3rd day of January 1815
Present: James Tyers, Nath Jones, Tho Holbrow, Tho Carruthers, Jn^o Snowden, Henry Eycott, W^m Stanton, Jn^o Morgan, R Miller, Rowled Scudamore, John Holbrow, P H Fisher.
Read the minutes of the last Meet^g.
M^r Playne attended and proposed to have a part of the Land adjoining the Wharf at Dudbridge enclosed with a Wall and secured by Gates for the purpose of depositing Coals, Goods, Wares and Merchandize. The above proposal was acceeded to, M^r W^m Playne undertaking at his own expence to build the Wall & put up the Gates and not to allow any other person to use it as a Wharf nor to underlet the same. M^r Playne further agrees to payment of One pound Sterling per Annum for a term of fourteen years.

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