Minutes Tue 23 May 1815

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Tue 23 May 1815


Frances Ann Shawclaimed shares nos.95,5,6,93,127,68, will of William Battersby.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 23rd day of May 1815
Present: John Snowden, William Stanton, Thomas Holbrow, Henry Eycott, Richard Miller, Thomas Carruthers, John Holbrow, P H Fisher.
Witness Geo Hawker.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Geo Hawker attended on behalf of Thomas Jones and Thomas Roberts of the City of Bristol, Gentlemen, surviving executors and Trustees of the late William Battersby of the City of Bristol deceased and made out their claim to six Shares N^os 98, 5, 6, 93, 127, 68 in the Stroudwater Navigation, the property of the said William Battersby, by producing the Will of the said William Battersby bearing date the 4^th day of November 1811 and duly proved in the perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 13th day of May 1812. By which it appears that the said several Shares were given to Sophia Battersby, widow of the said William Battersby for the term of her natural Life & after Her decease to John Scandratt Harford the Elder (since deceased) and to the said Thomas Jones & Thomas Roberts upon Trust to permit M^rs Frances Ann Shaw (Eldest Daughter of the said Thomas Jones) to receive and take the annual Dividends or proceeds to accrue due in respect of the said several Shares for Her natural life, for her sole and separate use and benefit, notwithstanding her present or any future Coverture, and her receipt under her own hand alone to be a good discharge for the same. And from and after the decease of the said Frances Ann Shaw then in Trust to stand possessed of the same several Shares for such person or persons in such parts shares and proportions manner and form that She the said Frances Ann Shaw by any deed or Will or any writing in the nature thereof under Her hand and seal shall direct or appoint or give or bequeath the same, and for want of in default of any such direction or appointment gift or bequest as to the whole or any part thereof, Then in Trust for the next or nearest Kin of Her the said Frances Ann Shaw. Their Claim is hereby admitted.
Adjourned this Meeting to Tuesday the 6^th day of June next ad 8 O'Clock in the forenoon on board of the Company's Barge at Wallbridge

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