Minutes Mon 10 Jul 1815

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Mon 10 Jul 1815


John Scandret Harford, Abraham Gray Harford Battersby and Charles Gray Harford claimed shares nos.23,24,25,95,200,27,28,29,30,90,104, will of John Harford.
The shed at Wallbridge Wharf to be let to William Oakey at the rent of 40s per annum.
Mere stones to be fixed to mark the boundary of the land belonging to the company.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th day of July 1815
Present: P H Fisher, john Morgan, Jos^h Jones, Henry Eycott, Nath^l Jones, W^m Stanton, Rich^d Miller, John Snowden.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
George Hawker attended on behalf of John Scandret Harford, Abraham Grey Harford Battersby (late Abra^m Gray Harford) & Charles Gray Harford of the City of Bristol Esq^rs acting executors in trust & the other Executors & Executrix in trust of the late John Scandret Harford of the City of Bristol deceased and made out their Claim to Eleven Shares N^os 23, 24, 15, 95, 200, 27, 28, 29, 30, 90 & 114 n the Stroud Water Navigation late the property of the said John Scandret Harford deceased by producing the Probate of the Will of the said John Scndrett Harford deceased, bearing date the 6^th day of December 1813 and duly proved in the perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 23 day of March 1815 By which it appears that Mary Harford widow of the said John Scandret Harford deceased and also the said John Scandret Harford, Abraham Gray Harford Battersby (late Abraham Gray Harford) Charles Gray Harford, Alfred Harford & William Henry Harford, are joint Executrix & Executors in trust of the said Will, & that the said Probate thereof was granted to them the said John Scandret Harford, Abra' Gray Harford Battersby (late Abra^m Gray Harford) & Charles Gray Harford, three of the Executors in trust thereof & Their Claim is hereby admitted.
Ordered that the Shed formerly occupied by Thomas Gardner on Wallbridge Wharf be Let to William Oakley at the Rent of 40 Shillings per Annum.
Ordered that Meer Stones be fixed to mark the boundary of the Land belonging to the Company.
Adjourned this Meeting to Tuesday the 29 day of August next.

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