Minutes Tue 10 Oct 1815

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Tue 10 Oct 1815


Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £2223 8s 11d. Balance after wages, etc, £1639 4s 10d. Dividend of £5 declared.
Mudding machine to be purchased from John Upton for £546. Modifications to its throw and the boat used may be required under the contract.
Thomas Grazebrook to be paid £8 11s for expense of mounding land near Dudbridge Wharf.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the George Inn Stroud on Tuesday 10^th day of October 1815
Henry Eycott Esq^r in the Chair.
The minutes of the last General Meeting were read & confirmed. The several Books & accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company so directed by Act of Parliament examined & confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the Sum of £2223..8..11 has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 11^th Day of April last to this Day; a part of which has been applied towards the payment of Wages, disbursments, etc, & that there remains in the Treasurers Hands after paying the last dividend, applying the Sum of Two Hundred pounds to the Capital in the Coal Trade & paying the sum of £112..0..6 for the property Tax, The Sum of £1639..4..10.
Ordered that a dividend of £5..0..0 each Share by the Treasurer on the first day of November next and that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to all the proprietors to inform them that they may Draw on the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the Same.
Resolved that the Druding or Mudding Machine furnished by M^r John Upton be accepted and paid for according the the price (£546) contracted to be given, notwithstanding the departure from the Contract made up for the same on the part of M^r Upton in respect to the height at, & the distance from, which the said Machine ought to throw the Mud on the Banks, and also in respect of the Boat. It being left to the Committee, however, to require if they judge proper, any addition or alteration to be made therein, so as to make the same correspondent with the Contract in these respects.
Resolved that M^r Thomas Grazebrook be allowed £8..11..0 the balance of the Sum claimed by him for the Expence of Mounding the piece of Land near Dudbridge Wharf conformable to the original resolution of the Committee ~~ 1794

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