Minutes Mon 8 Apr 1816

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Mon 8 Apr 1816


As wood already prepared for locks, use of iron plates not necessary at this time. Iron Plates to be used in future.
Mr Fisher to be employed to proceed against Messrs Underwood, the suretees of John Brown, for balance due to Company.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Monday teh 8^th Day of April 1816
Present: Nath^l Jones, Rowles Scudamore, Henry Eycott, Tho Carruthers, James Tyers, P H Fisher, Jos Jones., W^m Stanton.
Read the order of the last Committee to provide Iron Plates for the two Locks therein mentioned in lieu of wooden planking. It having been this day reported that wood planking is already prepared for both the said Locks, Ordered that the said Order of the last Committee be rescinded & that the wood planking already provided be made use of. But it is hereby Ordered that Iron plates be provided & made use of instead of Wood planking for the first pair of Lock Gates that may hereafter be required.
Order's that Mess^rs Fisher be employed to proceed against Mess^rs Underwoods the Solicitors of John Brown for the balance due from him to the Canal Company.

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