Minutes Tue 21 May 1816

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Tue 21 May 1816


Mr Purcell to attend every Committee meeting with his check book which has been irregularly kept to the dissatisfaction of the committee and that unless a regular entry is made of all vessels coming onto the canal is made he will be dismissed.
William Purcell to pay Clerk rent received for a tenement occupied by Samuel Lawrence.
Wages of Thomas Lewis to be reduced to 5s a week (house rent not to be allowed) and he be only employed in looking after the Double Locks and taking care of the water in the Ebley Level and the Level below, and if he does not discharge his duty with the greatest care he will be dismissed.
Wages of Ambrose Beard to be reduced to 15s per week and he pays 1s per week rent for the Company house he now occupies. He is employed to look after the five locks and to work as a carpenter.
The wages of Mr Ayres and Isaac Pinn to be reduced to 14s per week in the summer half year and 12s per week in the winter.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge On Tuesday the 21^st day of May 1816
Present: Rich^d Miller, John Morgan, Rev^d J Jones, Henry Eycott. John Snowden, Will^m Stanton.
Ordered that W^m Purcesll do attend every Committee Meeting & Bring his Check Book, which has been kept with so much irregularity as to incur the disapprobation of the Committee who direct M^r Hawker to notify to him, that unless a regular entry be made of every Vessel coming into the Canal with the necessary remarks, He will be dismissed.
Ordered that William Purcell do pay to the Clerk of the Company the Rent He ahs received for a Tenement occupied by Samuel Lawrence.
Ordered that the Wages of Thomas Lewis be reduced to the sum of five Shilling per week (House rent not to be allowed) and that He be only employ'd in looking after the Double Locks & taking Care of the Water in the Ebley Level and the Level below, and that M^r Hawker be directed to inform him, that unless He discharge his duty with the greatest ease and attention He will be dismissed.
Ordered that the Wages of Ambrose Beard be reduced to fifteen shillings per week, and that He pay One Shilling per week as rent for the House He now occupies belonging to the Company and that his employment be to look after the five Locks and work as a Carpenter.
Ordered that the wages of W^m Ayres and Isaac Pinn be reduced to fourteen Shillings per week in the Summer half year and to twelve Shillings per week for the Winter half year, and that a fortnight's notice be given to each individual before such reduction takes place.
Resolved that the Committee do go down the Canal in the Companys Barge for the purpose of surveying the Works on Tuesday the 11^th day of June next at 8 O'Clock in the Morning.

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