Minutes Sat 13 Jul 1816

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Sat 13 Jul 1816


Thomas Grazebrook to attend next meeting re new road to his house at Wallbridge Wharf.
Damage Mr Hogg has sustained by mud deposited on his meadow be considered at the next meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Saturday the 13^th day of July 1816
Present: John Morgan, John Holbrow, John Snowden, Rich^d Miller, Tho^s Holbrow, P H Fisher, Nath^l Jones.
Order'd that M^r Tho^s Grazebrook be requested to attend the next Committee Meeting on the subject of a Fresh Road to his House at Wallbridge Wharf.
Order'd that the subject of the damage M^r Hogg has sustained by Mud being deposited upon his Meadow be taken into consideration at the next Committee Meeting.

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