Minutes Tue 23 Jul 1816

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Tue 23 Jul 1816


Mr Burgh to meet with Mr Butcher to determine amount of damage caused to land belonging to Mr Hogg following deposit of mud on his land.
John Snowden claimed shares nos.103,79,80,171,198, will of James Tyers.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 23^rd of July 1816
Present: Rowles Scudamore, John Snowden, John Morgan, Henry Eycott, Will^m Stanton, John Holbrow.
Ordered that M^r Burgh be appointed to meet M^r Butcher to determine the amount of damage M^r Hogg has sustained by the deposition of Mud on his Land.
George Hawker attended on behalf of John Snowden of Stroud Esq^r executor to the Will of the late James Tyers of Field Place in the Parish of Stroud Esq^r deceased, and made out his claim to five Shares N^os 103, 79, 80. 171, 198 in the Stroud Water Navigation, the property of the said James Tyers, by producing the probate of the Will of the said James Tyers bearing date the thirteenth day of Sep^r 1813 and duly proved in the Perogative Court of the ArchBishop of Canterbury the thirteenth day of May last, whereby it appears, that John Snowden, George Gibbons and Charles Nairne and John Morgan Esquires were joint Executors of the said James Tyers' & the Claim of the said John Snowden is hereby admitted, the said Geo Gibbons, Charles Nairne & Jn^o Morgan having Renounced administering to the Will aforesaid.
Order'd that this Meeting be adjourned to the sixth day of August next.

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