Minutes Tue 6 Aug 1816

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Tue 6 Aug 1816


Thomas Grazebrook to alter his present right of way across the wharf at Dudbridge to and from his house to the southward side of the wharf. George Hawker to negotiate this with Mr Grazebrook.
The house at Framilode lately occupied by Mr Purcell to be repaired and the materials of the offices to be taken care of until they are disposed of by the Committee.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroud Water Navigation held at y^e Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 6^th Day of August 1816
Present: P H Fisher, Thomas Holbrow, John Morgan, Nath^l Jones, Rich^d Miller, Will^m Stanton, Jos Jones, Henry Eycott.
M^r Thomas Grazebrook having proposed to the Committee to release his right of way across the Wharf at Dudbridge to & from his dwelling House (near the said Wharf as now used) & to build Walls & do other acts in consideration of the Company of Proprietors granting to the said Thomas Grazebrook a right of way to his said dwelling House on the southward side of the said Wharf. The draft of an agreement to be entered into between the said Thomas Grazebrook on his part and M^r Geo Hawker on the part of the said Company of Proprietors for the purpose of carrying such proposal into effect being produced and read, the same was approved, and Ordered that the said Geo Hawker do enter into such agreement on the part of the said Company of Proprietors with the said Thomas Grazebrook.
Mess^rs Eycott, Stanton & Holbrow having taken a View of the House at Framiload lately occupied by W^m Purcesll the Company's Clerk there as deputed by the Committee on the 11^th of June last & now reported that the dwelling House ought to be repaired and the Materials of the Offices take care of untill the Committee disposes of the same. Ordered that the said dwelling House be repaired accordingly, the materials of the Offices taken care of untill the same are otherwise disposed of by the Committee. ~~~ Ordered that this Meeting be adjourned to the 3^rd Day of September next.

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