Fri 20 Sep 1816
The Committee had inspected the canal between five locks and double lock to ascertain it had been properly cleansed from mud.
John Critchley proposed himself, and was selected, to sell coal at the Bristol Road Wharf and to act as the Company’s Warehouseman and Lockkeeper with a surety of £500.
Mr Miller to oversee the repair of the Company’s pleasure boat.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Friday the 20^th day of September 1816
Present: John Snowden, Henry Eycott, Tho Holbrow, P H Fisher, Rich^d Miller, Jos Jones, Nath^l Jones, W^m Stanton, Rowles Scudamore, John Morgan.
The Committee met at the five Locks and inspected the Canal to the double Locks to ascertain if it be properly cleansed of Mud & other matters.
John Critchley of Kingstanly having proposed himself as a person to sell the Coal at the Bristol Road Wharf & act as the Company's Warehouseman & Lockkeeper there, & proposed W^m Yates of Stourport as his surety in the Sum of £500..-.., Ordered that the said John Critchley be chosen for the above purpose.
Order'd that the Company's pleasure Boat be repaired and that M^r Miller be requested to superintend the Repairs.