Minutes Tue 8 Oct 1816

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Tue 8 Oct 1816


Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £1975 10s 7d. Balance after wages, etc, £1065 19s 8d. Dividend of £5 declared.
Company seal applied to grant of a right to road on southern side of wharf for Mr Thomas Grazebrook.
Peter Smith made request to alter the Turnpike Road from the Anchor at Stroud through part of the Wharf at Wallbridge. The plan is to give to Mr Smith part of the Wharf at Wallbridge to enable him to make a road, the Company to receive Garden ground about ½ acre on the other side of the brook apart from the upper 12ft. The Proprietor to put up a fence and repair the corner of the Brewhouse. This needs the approval of the Commissioners of the Cirencester Road.
Tonnage of Corn from Gloucester to be lowered to 2s 6d per ton to Wallbridge and Dudbridge, and all other places in proportion as long as the Carriers continue to bring it to Wallbridge at 6d per bag.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 8^th day of October 1816.
The minutes of the last General Meeting were read and confirmed. The several Books and accounts were produced respecting the affairs of the Company so directed by Act of Parliament examined and confirmed.
It appears by the accounts that the sum of £1975..10..7 has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 9^th day of April last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of Wages, disbursments, etc, and that there remains in the Treasurers hands after paying the last dividend and the sum of £112..0..6 for the property Tax, the sum of £1065..19..8.
Order'd that a Dividend of £5..-..- each Share be paid by the Treasurer on the 1^st day of November next, and that our Clerk do transmit circular Letters to all the Proprietors to inform them that they many draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
Ordered that the Companys Seal be affixed to the deed of Grant of a right of Road for M^r Thomas Grazebrook to go to & from his Dwelling House & premises near the Dudbridge Wharf over the southward side of the said Wharf as now bounded out, in lieu of the present right of Road to the said Dwelling House & premises across the said Wharf at present enjoyed (& which M^r Grazebrook has offered to release accordingly) on the same being released by him to the Company of Proprietors. And such deed of Grant being first approved by the Committee, & the same expressly barring all right in the said Thomas Grazebrook to any other Road, way or passage to & from his premises except the one intended to be made on the Southern side of the said Wharf, and such other conditions being introduced as shall be deemed necessary by the said Committee.
M^r Peter Smith having made application for power to alter the present Turnpike Road leading from the Anchor to Stroud through a part of the Wharf at Wallbridge and produced a plan with the following proposal for carrying the Same into effect. To give up to M^r Smith a part of the Wharf at Wallbridge to enable him to make a Road according to the plan produced & the Company to receive as an equivalent the Garden Ground about half an acre on the other side of the brook near the said Wharf; M^r Smith resigning a proportion of the upper part of the same to the extent of 12 feet. The fencing of the proposed Land & Wharf to be made at the expense of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation as well as the repairing of the Corner of the Brewhouse.
The Company of Proprietors have agreed to the above proposal & He engages to compleat the same provided the Commissioners of the Cirencester Road agree to it. Order'd that the Committee be empowered to affix the Seal of the Company to the Deed of Exchange when compleated.
Ordered that the Tonnage on Corn from Gloster be lowered to 2/6 per Ton to Wallbridge and all other places in proportion as ling as the Carriers continue to bring it to Wallbridge at 6^d per bag.

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