Tue 19 Nov 1816
Samuel Lawrence, Master of the trow Disney, to be summoned before magistrates for the offence of drawing down and flushing the water in the lower lock of the canal on 3 November.
John Carefield chosen for the Bristol Road Wharf, if he accepts, to sell coal for the company and take care of the Lock and Warehouse.
At a meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on the 19^th day of November 1816
Present: The Rev^d J Jones, John Snowden, Tho^s Holbrow, Rowles Scudamore, Rich^d Miller, W^m Stantoon, P H Fisher, John Holbrow.
Order'd that Samuel Lawrence Master of the Trow Disney be summoned before a Magistrate to answer for drawing down & flushing the water in the lower Lock of hte Canal on the 3rd day of this Month, in violation of the clauses of the Act of Parliament respecting such Offence.
Order'd that John Carefield be chosen to be placed in the Bristol Road Wharf (if He will accept the same) to sell Coal for the Company & take care of the Lock and Warehouse.