Minutes Fri 18 Apr 1817

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Fri 18 Apr 1817


Special Meeting. After one Counsel's opinion re liability for repairs of bridge at Ryeford, Solicitor to make further inquiries and seek a second Counsel's opinion.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Canal Navigation held at Committee Room at Wallbridge on Friday the 18^th day of April 1817
Present: M^r P H Fisher, M^r John Holbrow, M^r Tho Holbrow, The Rev J Jones, M^r Henry Eycott, M^r Nath^l Jones.
The case stated to Counsel by the Company's Solicitor respecting their liability to repair the Ryeford Bridge with the opinion given thereon being read, Order'd that our Solicitor do make further enquiry into the facts of the Case, & restate the same to another Counsel for a further Opinion, as soon as possible, with such additions as may be suggested by any new discoveries as to those facts.

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