Tue 22 Jul 1817
The clerk to discuss with Mr Thomas Grazebrook to rent his warehouse at Dudbridge for as low a price as possible.
Thanks to be sent to Mr Loveden for letter about the sale of coal on the Thames & Severn Canal. Enquiries to be made about the statements it contained.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at Wallbridge at the Committee Room there on Tuesday the 22 Day of July 1817
Present: R Miller, Nath^l Jones, Jn^o Snowden, Geo Wathen, Tho^s Holbrow, W^m Stanton.
Read the minutes of the last meeting.
Ordered that our Clerk do agree with M^r Thomas Grazebrook to rent his Warehouse at Dudbridge for a Year for as low a price as he can obtain the same for.
Read a Letter from M^r Loveden to M^r Geo Hawker respecting the sale of Coal on the Thames & Severn Canal. Resloved that a Letter of thanks be written to M^r Loveden for the information contained in his Letter and that an enquiry be made into the statements contain'd therein, and the subject be taken into consideration at a future Committee Meeting.