Minutes Tue 17 Feb 1818

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Tue 17 Feb 1818


Clerk to write to Harris, Stevens Co. re damage which may have been caused by mud on their land to be put to arbitration.
Materials to be provided for a larger culvert to be made near Whitminster Bridge when the canal be stopped by the G&B Canal Co work.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^h Day of February 1818
Present: The Rev J Jones, John Snowden, Nath^l Jones, William Stanton, Rowles Scudamore, John Holbrow, Thomas Holbrow, P H Fisher, Richard Miller.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Ordered that our Clerk do write to Mess^rs Harris, Stevens & C^o to refer the damages the damages which have been occasioned by putting the Mud upon their Land to the arbitration of two Gentlemen, one to be chosen by each party.
Ordered that a new Brick Culvert be mad (of sufficient capacity to carry off the water) where the present Culvert now passes under the Stroudwater Canal navigation near Whitminster Bridge, & that material be provided ready to proceed thereon, when the Canal shall be stopped in consequence of the alteration to be made under the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Act.

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