Minutes Thu 12 Mar 1818

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Thu 12 Mar 1818


Special Meeting.
Letter to be written to Committee for Gloucester & Berkeley Canal requesting them to communicate their proposal for alterations at lower level of Stroudwater Navigation.
Surveyor to inspect land owned by Harris Stevens & Co and Mrs Hogg to ascertain damage from mud.
Road across Dudbridge Wharf proposed by Mr Grazebrook approved.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Thursday the 12^th Day of March 1818
Present: M^r Fisher, The Rev J Jones, M^r Miller, M^r Snowden, M^r Jones, M^r Scudamore, M^r Stanton, M^r Eycott.
Order'd that a Letter be written by the Clerk to the Committee of the Gloster & Berkely Canal, requesting them to communicate their intentions respecting the alteration to be made in the lower level of the Stroudwater Navigation, & the works proposed to be made by them under the clauses of their Act for that purpose.
Order'd that a Survey be requested to inspect the Land of Mess^rs Harris, Stephens & C^o & also M^rs Hoggs, to ascertain the damages done by the Companys placing Mud thereon.
The Draft of the intended Deed for granting, to M^r Thomas Grazebrook a new Road in lieu of his relinquishing his present right of road across Dudbridge Wharf, being submitted to perusal Ordered that the same be approved.

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