Tue 8 Sep 1818
Clerk to obtain estimate for building of wall at Wallbridge Wharf against the new road.
Letter to be written to Mr Clissold about his obstruction affecting water being fed into the canal.
As no response received from Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company, Mr Fisher to contact Mr Phillpots from the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Committee re their work on the Stroud Navigation Canal
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the Eighth day of September 1818
Present: Nath^l Jones, William Stanton, Thomas Holbrwo, John Snowden, P H Fisher.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Ordered that our Clerk do procure further estimates of the Expence of building a Wall at Walbridge Whar against the new Road & that after such Estimates He proceeds with the building thereof.
Ordered that Letter be written to M^r Clissold on the subject of ins obstruction in feeding the Canal with water.
No attention having been paid by the Gloster & Berkeley Canal C^o to the application made to them respecting their Works on the Stroudwater Navigation,
Ordered that M^r Fisher do proceed to Gloucester at his earliest convenience to see M^r Phill[ots and the members of the Gloster & Berkeley Canal Committee on the subject.