Tue 16 Feb 1819
Application has been made from the North Wilts Canal respecting lowering tonnage on coal going to certain places. Question to be referred to the next general assembly.
Mr Ludlow having given his opinion about appointing new Commissioners, our solicitor Mr Fisher was asked to take every necessary step in this matter.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of February 1819
Present: W W Darke, Tho Holbrow, N Jones, Jn^o Morgan, P H Fisher, R Miller, R Scudamore, W Stanton.
Read the minutes of the last meeting.
Examined the Books and Accounts of the Company.
Application having been made by the Clerk of the North Wilts Canal respecting lowering Tonnage on Coal going to certain place, Ordered that our Clerk Do reply that the question shall be referred to the next general Assembly.
M^r Ludlow having given his opinion on the question referred to him at eh last meeting, Our Clerk having been served with the Copy of a rule of the Court of Kings bench for the Company to shew cause on Thursday last why a Mandamus should not issue directing the Comp^y to make complaint to the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for nominating new Commissioners for settling disputes under the powers of the Act of Parliament for making the Canal.
And our Solicitor M^r Fisher having on motion procured an enlargement of the Rule untill next Term, Ordered that a case be stated to Counsel for advice & that every necessary step be taken by our Solicitor in this matter.