Minutes Mon 27 Dec 1819

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Mon 27 Dec 1819


Special Meeting. The Committee having met to consider the notice given by the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company for forming a junction with the Stroudwater Navigation on the present level and without putting up the stop gates directed by Act of Parliament, and having read letters from the clerk and engineer to the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal, it was decided that the proposed junction would be injurious to the Stroudwater Navigation, particularly as no security is provided against the water being taken therefrom for the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal. A letter is to be written to refuse permission, until the gates and other works are made which the Act of Parliament directs.

Verbatim text

At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Monday the 17^th day of December 1819
Present: W W Darke, P H Fisher, Rev W James, W^m Stanton, H Jones, John Snowden, R Scudamore, Tho Holbrow, H Eycott, G Wathen.
The Committee having met to consider the notice given by the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company for forming a junction with the Stroudwater Navigation on the present level, and without putting up the stop Gates directed by Act of Parliament. And having considered the Letters from the Clerk & Engineer of the G&B Canal and it being considered that the proposed junction may be injurious to the Stroudwater Nav^n particularly as no security is provided against the water being taken therefrom for the purpose of feeding the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Ordered that a letter be written to the Clerk of the G&B Canal refusing consent to such proposed junction untill the Gates and other works are made which the Act of Parliament directs for the security of the Stroudwater Navigation. And also that a notice be served on the Engineer not to proceed to make the same.

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