Tue 4 Jan 1820
Mr Woodhouse the engineer of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company met with the committee and agreed with them that the Junction proposals as they stand do not protect against loss of water. The committee refused to acquiesce to the junction.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 4th day of January 1820
Present: John Morgan, P H Fisher, W W Darke MD, H Eycott, N Jones, W Stanton, R Scudamore, Tho Holbrow.
Read the minutes of the last Meeting.
Examined the Books & Accounts of the Company.
M^r Woodhouse the Engineer of the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal C^o having waited upon the Committee for the purpose of communicating with them on the proposed opening of that Canal with the Stroudwater Navigation and having admitted that if the junction were carried into Effect as at present intended there would be no security against the water being drawn from the Stroudwater Navigation for the purpose of supplying the G&B Canal for the want of the Stop Gates directed by Act of Parliament to be made by the G&B Canal C^o on the sides of the Stroudwater Nav^n, The Committee recuse to acquiesce to the said junction.
And Ordered that a Meeting of the Committee be held tomorrow at four O'Clock in the Afternoon for the purpose of receiving a communication which is then Expected from the Committee of the G&B Canal C^o on the subject.